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16-JUN-2007 Deborah Lewis

New Grill

New Freedom, PA

Bought Pops a new grill for his birthday/father's day present!
Trying the roisterer out before the crowd gets here tomorrow
“Turkey Breast” on the grill
Happy Father’s Day to all of you Gents out there!

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/10s f/5.0 at 24.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
1moremile18-Jun-2007 22:59
There's barely enough here for me. I think you'll just have to have cold cuts, Lee.
Lee G18-Jun-2007 02:45
I'll take a leg please, extra crispy!
Dad's love bbq's!!
Dan Chusid17-Jun-2007 07:14
Looks pretty spiffy with that rotisserie and what looks to be a warming lamp
on the side.
Make mine well done.

~ Happy Father's Day Bill! ~
Jen Bixler17-Jun-2007 05:43
Looks great MOM!
Happy Father's Day to MY Pops! LOVE ya.
Cindi Smith17-Jun-2007 02:09
Just got back in town, saw this and it made me hungry! So, what time is lunch tomorrow?? Happy Father's Day, Pops! Great food shot on that wonderful grill, Deborah! You guys are really going to enjoy that!
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