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Deborah Lewis | all galleries >> archives >> june_2007 > Kelly's Bird Nest
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07-JUN-2007 Deborah Lewis

Kelly's Bird Nest

Timonium, MD

Sorry K - best I could do hanging over the railing!
Hopefully by now the rest have hatched!

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/800s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 25-Sep-2007 02:22
Very Nice Shot V
Jen Bixler10-Jun-2007 13:06
Lee G10-Jun-2007 05:49
I hope we get weekly update shots of Nesters!
Hold on tight to that rail!!
Dan Chusid10-Jun-2007 01:34
At least you didn't drop your lens cap in there.
; )
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