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08-JUN-2007 Deborah Lewis

Stacey's Ride

Glen Rock, PA

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/400s f/5.6 at 28.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guy Dube30-Jul-2007 20:15
Must be a nice bike! Nice shot Deborah! I like a lot motorcycles.
Best regards
Carolyn Rasmussen15-Jun-2007 11:58
what color is your helmet? Super bike and shot.
R. Walls09-Jun-2007 23:24
Nice!!!!! Great picture too!
Jen Bixler09-Jun-2007 11:47
Lucky gal!
Cool SP.
Dan Chusid09-Jun-2007 03:44
Cool SP!
Somehow I didn't think that was Bill's
; )
Cindi Smith09-Jun-2007 02:46
Oh yeah! I'd love to have one....I actually can see you on this Deborah! Beautiful shot of a beautiful bike!
Lee G09-Jun-2007 02:07
Way cool! Did you take her for a ride!?
Susan Leigh09-Jun-2007 01:37
ooh yes I like it!! me want one ;-))
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