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Sotiris Blatsis | profile | all galleries >> The Other Photography - people, places, obsessions, Life! >> Seoul 1988 Olympic Games - recollections of a lifetime experience >> Seoul 1988, The Youth Camp tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Seoul 1988, The Youth Camp

Pictures from our daily life and activities at the Seoul Olympic Youth Camp.
Youth Camp motto on the facilities building
Youth Camp motto on the facilities building
The lodging building
The lodging building
A heavy load for Hodori
A heavy load for Hodori
Ebony and Ivory
Ebony and Ivory
Multi-colour, multi-culti
Multi-colour, multi-culti
Holiday On Ice
Holiday On Ice
Youth Camp opening ceremony: the Greeks always raise their flag first
Youth Camp opening ceremony: the Greeks always raise their flag first
The Fan Dance
The Fan Dance
Back with baskets...
Back with baskets...
...and forth with open arms.
...and forth with open arms.
Korean choir
Korean choir
Ya Habibi
Ya Habibi
Do you prefer Swiss smile...
Do you prefer Swiss smile...
...or Spanish revelatory flamenco?
...or Spanish revelatory flamenco?
The Greek delegation in western uniforms
The Greek delegation in western uniforms
Mexican symmetry
Mexican symmetry
Nigerians pose in their traditional costumes...
Nigerians pose in their traditional costumes...
...while Greeks dance in their own...
...while Greeks dance in their own...
...and Mexicans know how to sing spontaneously...
...and Mexicans know how to sing spontaneously...
...and passionately.
...and passionately.
German indecent proposals
German indecent proposals
Too high-tech for these ages
Too high-tech for these ages
Youth Camp closing ceremony: see you in Barcelona!
Youth Camp closing ceremony: see you in Barcelona!