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Dale Unruh | all galleries >> Galleries >> "Maybe- Maybe Not" > "Outbuildings"
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Dale Unruh


"This was a fun image to capture..In the approaching darkness, I noticed that the spotlight from the lighthouse behind me would sweep across the deserted outbuildings, which still had the evening sunset reflected in their windows...I tried a couple of times to capture the light beam on the buildings, and succeeded on the third try...Empty now, the buildings reminded me of a time when the families of the lighthouse keepers lived there, and the laughter of children must have echoed in the summer twilight...."

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Guest 11-Aug-2006 00:55
I just lvoe the color in this image -- this time of day as the sun sets, sky still bright, and the light on the outbuildings coming up. Seems desolate and intriguing.
Anna Yu27-Jun-2004 05:44
Uncluttered and the shadowplay with the sunlight suggests the coming of the night.
roberta23-Jun-2004 01:41
I really like the clean, straight edged buildings with the warm glow of the light. The pbase link is great so we can see the rest of your galleries. Roberta
Canon DSLR Challenge22-Jun-2004 13:44
Your comments about this image are as beautiful as the image itself. Shu
Shu22-Jun-2004 01:25
I really love this shot because little houses like these seem to be the places I'd like to be in order to get away from everyday stress.....they always capture my attention. The softness of the image seems to beckon and offer security. (Now don't you dare tell me they're "outhouses," please...ha) Shu