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Cristian Jensen | all galleries >> Birding in Spain - Best Birding Sites in Spain - Wildlife Photography >> Paisatges i gent de l'Albufera de Valencia - Paisajes y sus gentes - Landscapes, Birds and People from Albufera de Valencia > Àguila calçada - Aguila calzada - Hieraetus pennatus - Booted eagle
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25-OCT-2009 © Cristian Jensen - Audouin Birding Tours

Àguila calçada - Aguila calzada - Hieraetus pennatus - Booted eagle

Albufera de Valencia - Spain

Audouin Birding Tours birdwatching in Spain and local guidings in the Ebro Delta

Audouin Birding Tours - Birdwatching in Spain - Local trips in the Ebro Delta and Ports -

In this gallery you can see some photographs of birds and landscape from the Albufera de Valencia Nature Park. The Ebro Delta is situated few kilometers south of Valencia town.

Aquí podeis encontrar imágenes de los paisajes y la gente del parque natural de l'Albufera de València.

Aquí trobaràs fotografies dels paisatges i la gent de l'Albufera de Valencia

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS
1/640s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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