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Craig Parker | all galleries >> Chain of Flowers >> Close Encounters >> Katowice 2008 > karinrobert.jpg
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Karin with Robert in Katowice, Poland on Feb. 19th, 2008

Pentax Optio S55
1/40s f/2.6 at 5.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 08-Jun-2010 01:36
guest 30-Jul-2008 22:43
LOL.. Thought the same - he does look grandmotherish in this picture.

Nevermind - love the music to death!
mock goth gurl 06-Jun-2008 03:50
Your grandmother must be a sexy motherfucker!!!
Catie 14-Mar-2008 07:02
Well. You know. Be nice.
anonymoose 07-Mar-2008 19:54
Christ. Smith is looking like my fucking grandmother...