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Laura with Porl in Rome (Feb. 28th, 2008)

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Laura / How The End etc. etc. 16-May-2008 14:41
no, obviously XD
but there was a person of the entourage who asked me to do fast
Catie 25-Mar-2008 07:14
Ha "in a hurry"? So you're saying that you'd be willing to gouge out an eye of one of the best guitar players in this century, just to meet the best singer of this eon or any other??... Yeah, i'd have to agree with your reasoning there.
Laura/How The End Always Is 23-Mar-2008 18:26
THANK YOUU!! pity that i've cut an eye of porl... but i was in hurry ehehehe
IT WAS FEB. 28 AND NOT 29 ;)
Catie 14-Mar-2008 06:56
Nice eyeliner, chicka!
~*girl 04-Mar-2008 05:06
lovely lovely