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20 JUN 06



Canon PowerShot S2 IS
1/60s f/2.7 at 6.0mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan Chusid25-Jul-2006 04:59
Nice shoes and socks.
Goes well with the gown.
: )
Dominic Kite29-Jun-2006 12:43
Let me guess - he complained about his "deep" root canal work?
Zak24-Jun-2006 19:25
Guest 24-Jun-2006 07:46
laine8222-Jun-2006 20:25
Could be worse..he could be wearing it back to front :>O
Karen Stuebing21-Jun-2006 10:15
LOL. Love those hospital gowns with your butt hanging out all the time. Nice of him to play along.
Robin Reid21-Jun-2006 00:58
Ha, ha. Obviously he is not shy and has a good sense of humor.
jypsee21-Jun-2006 00:18
Have you switched to another field of medicine?? like.....proctology??
royalld20-Jun-2006 23:33
The last person on earth I would want to see while wearing one of these things is a photographer.
Faye White20-Jun-2006 23:33
y'all have way too much fun in the office!! ;)
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