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C.M. Kwan | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> US Trip 2006 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

US Trip 2006

This is my second business trip to the US.
The places I visited include Philadelphia, Detroit, San Diego and Seattle.
It was a rather rushed trip and I didn't have time to shoot.
Hotel - Wyndham Valley Forge Suites
Hotel - Wyndham Valley Forge Suites
Benjamin Frankin Bridge
Benjamin Frankin Bridge
City Park 1
City Park 1
City Park 2
City Park 2
Floating Restaurant
Floating Restaurant
Lake Washington 1
Lake Washington 1
Lake Washington 2 - in Early Morning
Lake Washington 2 - in Early Morning
Lake Washington 3
Lake Washington 3
Lake Washington 4
Lake Washington 4
Lake Washington 5
Lake Washington 5
New Immigrants
New Immigrants
Hart Plaza
Hart Plaza
Hart Plaza
Hart Plaza
For Future Vehicles
For Future Vehicles
GM Headquarters
GM Headquarters
Jefferson Ave
Jefferson Ave
Penobscot Building
Penobscot Building
Gas Plant
Gas Plant
Randolph Street
Randolph Street
Take a Breath
Take a Breath
Open Kitchen
Open Kitchen
Brush Street
Brush Street
Detroit River
Detroit River
GM World
GM World
Water Tank
Water Tank
Henry Ford Museum
Henry Ford Museum
Container Truck
Container Truck
Where is the Flying Lady?
Where is the Flying Lady?