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Claude Gagnon | all galleries >> Souvenirs de voyage - Birds around the world >> Australie 2023 >> Oiseaux d'Australie - Australian birds > Érismature australe - Blue-billed duck
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Érismature australe - Blue-billed duck

Jawbone Flora and Fauna Reserve, Melbourne

Sony Alpha α77 II
1/2000s f/6.3 at 600.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Tom Murray21-Dec-2023 03:42
That blue bill really stands out and the name of the duck is right on.
Fabienne20-Dec-2023 20:40
Il est magnifique avec son bec bleu.
francoisconstantin20-Dec-2023 14:25
Superbe pdv de ce beau sujet!!
larose forest photos20-Dec-2023 13:48
Terrific shot of this beauty, and it certainly is well-named, that blue bill is amazing. V
joseantonio20-Dec-2023 04:28
nicely captured.V
Helen Betts19-Dec-2023 23:46
Fine shot of this unusually colored duck.
Don19-Dec-2023 22:55
You did very well at this reserve which I'd not heard of before.
hayl19-Dec-2023 22:28
Super photo of this neat looking duck.
Tom Munson19-Dec-2023 22:00
Nice shot, Claude. Similar to our Ruddy.
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