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Claude Gagnon | all galleries >> Souvenirs de voyage - Birds around the world >> Andalousie, Espagne - 2016 - Andalucia, Spain >> Oiseaux d'Andalousie - Birds of Andalucia > Spatule blanche - Eurasian spoonbill
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Spatule blanche - Eurasian spoonbill

Parc de Doñana

Sony Alpha 55
1/800s f/8.0 at 420.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Buz Kiefer13-Jul-2016 19:56
Excellent flight capture, Claude. I did not know they came in white. Vote.
Torben Jorgensen11-Jul-2016 11:42
Great flight image. V
Hank Vander Velde11-Jul-2016 11:13
Beautiful sharp and well exposed flight shot Claude.
Christian Beaurivage11-Jul-2016 03:00
Bien capté et bonne luminosité!
Pierre Martin10-Jul-2016 23:09
jolie prise en vol!
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet10-Jul-2016 19:52
Une superbe photo en vol.
francoisconstantin10-Jul-2016 17:52
Bien figée!!!
Jim Coffman10-Jul-2016 16:06
Beautiful in-flight shot!
joseantonio10-Jul-2016 15:31
excellent capture with those lovely colors.V.
Helen Betts10-Jul-2016 15:01
Such a beautifully sleek bird in this great in-flight capture. The light, especially in the feathers, is marvelous as well.
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