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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn 2020 Photo-A-Day > Gifts of Autumn
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07-Oct-2020 Carol J Phipps

Gifts of Autumn

Beet Greens
Bok Choi
Mustard Greens

Apple iPhone 6S
1/24s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield10-Oct-2020 15:22
Perfect capture of fall flavors. V
Graeme08-Oct-2020 23:00
Lots of good fresh vegetables, Carol.V
Apostolos Tikopoulos08-Oct-2020 18:47
Great textures and colors. V.
Jola Dziubinska08-Oct-2020 17:46
Beautiful still life composition. V.
joseantonio08-Oct-2020 16:25
lovely colors.V.
Helen Betts08-Oct-2020 15:57
Great capture of this fall bounty. V.
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