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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Month of Monochrome > Trees
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The near-monochrome color below is from the setting sun being reflected on the landscape.

Alain Boussac22-Mar-2012 15:51
Strong presence in this dark B&W. V.
Jola Dziubinska08-Mar-2012 01:07
Excellent low light photo, enough details. V.
Mieke WA Minkjan06-Mar-2012 07:22
wow, a great mysterious atmosphere in both of them
Janet Donnelly05-Mar-2012 13:34
The B&W looks like something from Edgar Allan Poe ...... Terrific mood and atmosphere!
Barbara Heide05-Mar-2012 12:41
excellent shot with dramatic light! V
Guest 05-Mar-2012 02:22
Strong image Carol!!! Well done!
Kerry Tingley05-Mar-2012 01:04
A beautiful old tree.
Frank Brault05-Mar-2012 00:28
Terrifically sinister. V
laine04-Mar-2012 19:35
both are great viewing, Carol....
Brenda04-Mar-2012 18:44
I like it! Love trees with character!
J. Scott Coile04-Mar-2012 13:32
Very gritty B&W!
Graeme04-Mar-2012 12:13
Wonderful mood & mono image, Carol.V
Stephanie04-Mar-2012 11:10
Gnarly! Love it!
Ann...04-Mar-2012 08:13
Strong image of this ancient tree.
Laryl04-Mar-2012 06:56
love it.. really cool
Ed McConnell04-Mar-2012 04:43
nice work in B&W..
Cindi Smith04-Mar-2012 03:36
The bottom one is naturally monochrome. Great comp on this!
Guest 04-Mar-2012 03:13
Beautiful tree roots...
Guest 04-Mar-2012 02:59
Great shot for trees.
Jeff Lobaugh04-Mar-2012 02:56
Looks like this tree has seen better days!
Guest 04-Mar-2012 02:42
Beautiful work. V.
Sheila04-Mar-2012 02:38
What a great old tree this is.
The setting sun has created interesting duo tones!
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