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Cindy Flood | all galleries >> Galleries >> automotive > Model A
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Model A

There was no time for photography today. We were shopping at Walmart and this beauty was parked next to us. It was a Ford Model A in wonderful condition (for her age!) I couldn't remove the distraction from the background.

Canon EOS 1D Mark II ,Canon 80-200 f/2.8L Magic Drainpipe
1/8000s f/2.8 at 185.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
QUERIDO14-Dec-2005 13:05
excellent shot
Guest 26-Nov-2005 02:53
Nice pop and clarity.
Guest 23-Nov-2005 04:06
I love this photo, Cindy. This old car is beautiful and your DOF works very well here.
poetry66620-Nov-2005 22:39
I really like this image as I like the old cars. The blue of the sky makes a lovely reflective colour.
Excellent comp Cindy!

viljamix20-Nov-2005 16:56
Nicely cropped and beautiful tones.
Guest 20-Nov-2005 15:04
Very well done
Linda Alstead20-Nov-2005 10:09
fab shot and I think the heart shape in the background adds something
laine8220-Nov-2005 08:07
Love the blue of the sky reflected in the chrome. I like your crop.
Coleen Perilloux Landry20-Nov-2005 05:13
Oh, what a beauty. My Dad had one like this and unfortunately, my brother hotroded it.
Dennis Hoyne20-Nov-2005 04:52
Nice and sharp with wonderful color, the background doesn't distract, nice.
Sheila20-Nov-2005 04:45
Wonderful to see these old cars looked after.
Really nice image Cindy.
Di20-Nov-2005 03:33
Who needs time when you can whip your cam out for a moment and end up with this? I like the perspective...would have been cool if you could have captured your reflection in the chrome.
Guest 20-Nov-2005 03:16
Robin Reid20-Nov-2005 02:52
Actually I think the background helps emphasize this sharp and lovely auto. Fine work Cindy.
Breland20-Nov-2005 02:51
Nice capture Cindy. I like to see the old ones that are still driven around for everyone to see.
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