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Chris Utter | all galleries >> Scanned Photos - 13 galleries, 6 subgalleries >> San Francisco, 1960's > Playland-at-the-Beach
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12-JUN-2009 C. G. Utter


San Francisco, CA

Ocean Beach from Sutro Heights Park with Playland-at-the-Beach.
Although I grew up in SF, I only went to Playland a few times and never took any pictures.

Taken with Tele-Rollie


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Mark N. 21-Sep-2016 14:19
Yes I remember Playland at the beach , the Fun House, the many good times we had as kids growing up in SF, We lived on Ashbury St. and walked to the park played on the swings etc. Many times I wish I could have brought those days to my family growing up, The City changed in ways that killed many of these simple family traits, some things just aren't meant to last. Those people who moved to the City to find what we had, in ways, destroyed it, bringing a different attitude, hope they like it.
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