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Rob Rosetti | all galleries >> Galleries >> Brainstorming > DO NOT CROSS
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12-JAN-2008 Roberto Rosetti


Canon PowerShot A620
1/8s f/3.5 at 21.7mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 17-Jan-2008 05:06
The diffuse aspect of the image through the window adds to the moody feeling.
Guest 17-Jan-2008 01:17
Sometimes shooting through a car windshield is a plus for the overall result. I think this is one good example.
Guest 16-Jan-2008 23:36
I love this!! The effect from the windshield really makes this a great image... I love the smearing effect it has on the light and color.
Sue Robertson16-Jan-2008 21:08
Fantastic. The windshield created an opaque feel that enhances the mood.
monil16-Jan-2008 17:37
Very good composition and light.
Guest 16-Jan-2008 09:57
l'attesa è stata lunga....-v-