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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> PBasing meet-ups >> Meet The Pbasers! > Howdy partner!
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Howdy partner!

John and his well known hat, looking cool John!

Canon EOS 20D
1/60s f/5.6 at 45.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jola Dziubinska01-Jul-2007 19:23
Wonderful portrat of JW :)
Barbara Heide12-Dec-2006 11:50
I didn't know that John used to be an australian postman
Nicki Thurgar12-Dec-2006 10:06
ROFL at Bev!! I can't see any bags, John.. coupla suitcases... no bags... ;o))
JW11-Dec-2006 22:19
I seem to be suffering from alcohol deficiency in this one! Any chance of PS'ing out the bags under my eyes! LOL
nordic11-Dec-2006 22:10
You know when a Waine arrives in town........
beverley harrison11-Dec-2006 21:26
phwoar!!get your pulled!! about 3 of us i think!! lol!!
Ray :)11-Dec-2006 21:24
King of the Meet Ups!
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