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Timed PBasers!

Today in Norwich Cathedral grounds, everyone set 10 seconds and made dash for the PBase photo and tried to look cool!
What happened to John?

In order; Peter, Will, Jess, Me, Nicky, Bev, Vicky and John and Lee in the front!

More to be added watch this space!

Canon EOS 20D
1/60s f/5.0 at 12.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jola Dziubinska01-Jul-2007 19:22
You forgot to put Lee on the list :)
Jola Dziubinska01-Jul-2007 19:20
Oh, again a Pbase meeting in GB? I envy you, guys!
Terry Bowker26-Mar-2007 23:26
You all look like you are having a grand time..good for you! I miss living in Suffolk....
Cindi Smith03-Mar-2007 01:19
LOL! I saw your comment on Andra's SP....yep...looks like two of you had a hard time getting in there! What a hoot!
Guest 02-Mar-2007 23:27
LOL - yes I see what you mean Carole - this is good -
Jola Dziubinska02-Mar-2007 22:26
Haha, John ALMOST made it ;)))
Sheila10-Dec-2006 22:48
John just made it. LOL at Vicky taking a shot too, while she had the chance.
Coleen Perilloux Landry10-Dec-2006 22:03
John almost did not make it. Surely looks like a fun time.
nordic10-Dec-2006 21:53
Is John just about to jump... LOL!
Hope you had a great fun weekend....
Guest 10-Dec-2006 21:49
Very nice shot, I like the composition!
Ray :)10-Dec-2006 21:37
This reminds me of my shot at the Watrerloo mirror when Steve was still sorting out his camera bag!
Nice to see some new faces at a meet.
laine8210-Dec-2006 21:33
Good work got the lot, even JW on the run.
Nicki Thurgar10-Dec-2006 21:21
Great capture Cazi - you got everyone in yours!
beverley harrison10-Dec-2006 21:17
lol @ john!! i think he needs a 15 second timer!! that was such a laugh!!!
JW10-Dec-2006 21:12
Looks like everyone made it except yours truly !

Super capture given the difficult circumstances, Cazi!
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