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Killer Kitties

Nikon D810
1/60s f/2.8 at 200.0mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Dwight Rankine07-Jun-2017 14:31
Good one!
bill friedlander24-May-2016 19:36
Had to smile when I saw these. Delightful find! V
Hank Vander Velde22-May-2016 23:01
Two neat shots Carl. Great sign for the top one and the bottom one is a smile-maker.
Walter Otto Koenig22-May-2016 14:35
Nice one! I need to get this sign for our yard. --- Beautiful catch in the bottom photo.
Helen Betts22-May-2016 06:20
The sign is such a great find, and what a cutie in the bottom image. V.
joseantonio22-May-2016 04:10
love the two images.V
larose forest photos22-May-2016 02:51
Hah! I love the top sign! And the second photo is adorable.
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