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Ton T. | all galleries >> Galleries >> Decay > Fading tulips
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Fading tulips

Vase with fading tulips
Gorinchem - Holland

Nikon Z 6
1/30s f/6.3 at 50.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jeff Real28-Sep-2020 14:56
Even at the end there is such elegance in this stunning art photograph!
C. van Gijs24-Sep-2020 17:59
Heel mooi met die witte achtergrond zonder schaduw.
John Hamers23-Sep-2020 17:50
Prachtig stilleven. Mooie dieprode kleur !V
Zoltán Balogh23-Sep-2020 06:24
Beautiful image of these fading tulips, Ton! V
Doug Cruden17-Sep-2020 20:29
They're past their best :o( But still a super composition, love the rich colour and excellent lighting here Ton
larose forest photos17-Sep-2020 13:27
A very artistic composition, beautifully photographed. VV
Gill Kopy17-Sep-2020 04:17
What a beautiful image - it would look fabulous on a wall ! V
Fabienne16-Sep-2020 20:08
Une composition superbement imaginée et réalisée avec talent.
C’est superbe.
Juliette16-Sep-2020 16:46
verval kan zo veel schoonheid in zich hebben !! V
lucanton16-Sep-2020 08:38
une belle présentation, bien vu! V
danad16-Sep-2020 08:28
Stunning textures ! V.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal16-Sep-2020 07:12
Prachtig Ton, super mooie kleuren.
laine16-Sep-2020 04:38
Still delightful. Very nicely captured, Ton. V
Hank Vander Velde16-Sep-2020 00:31
Different-looking, rose-like tulips nicely captured in their fading hours Ton.
Graeme16-Sep-2020 00:14
Such a gorgeous arrangement, Ton.V
Pierre Martin15-Sep-2020 21:10
beautiful picture and presentation!
Martin Lamoon15-Sep-2020 20:44
Fading but they still look amazing.
Tom Munson15-Sep-2020 20:27
I like this, Ton. Great shot.
peterjay4515-Sep-2020 19:43
Lovely colours, they are yet beautiful.
Allan Jay15-Sep-2020 19:24
Gorgeous colour!
Julie Oldfield15-Sep-2020 18:52
The color is fantastic. V
Helen Betts15-Sep-2020 18:48
They're still lovely even in their fading state. V.
Nirvan Hope15-Sep-2020 18:42
Beauty even in the fading.
Nick Paoni15-Sep-2020 18:33
Wilting maybe, but the colors are still vibrant and glorious.
globalgadabout15-Sep-2020 18:24
ruffled up to a wondrous state...admire the sense of depth and mass you achieved..
Walter Otto Koenig15-Sep-2020 17:59
Wonderful clarity and colors. Very nicely arranged and photographed. "V"
Claude Gagnon15-Sep-2020 17:56
Beautiful colorful compo Ton :)) V
hayl15-Sep-2020 17:47
Wonderful composition and rich colour.
fdt15-Sep-2020 17:46
Mooie prent.
Blandine Mangin15-Sep-2020 17:41
Même fanées, elles offrent encore de belles couleurs ! une jolie composition fleurie ! v
joseantonio15-Sep-2020 17:40
nice with that background light.V.
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