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Ton T. | all galleries >> Galleries >> Decay > 2018 leaf
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2018 leaf

Remains of a 2018 poplar leaf
Spijk - Holland

Nikon Z 6
1/250s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Cornelis Heijkant 29-Mar-2020 01:37
Boeiend grillig patroon. v
Graeme16-Apr-2019 21:59
The detailing is absolutely fantastic, Ton. Bravo!!! V
Don25-Mar-2019 21:16
Fascinating decaying networks. It could equally well be an air photo of a landscape! Or maybe an old computer chip.
victorswan24-Mar-2019 14:13
Heel mooi Ton zoveel details schitterend werk BV
Zoltán Balogh24-Mar-2019 07:20
Wow, excellent photograph! V
Blandine Mangin23-Mar-2019 17:34
very nice ! v
Johnny JAG23-Mar-2019 16:38
It's almost gone.....
Fong Lam23-Mar-2019 13:04
An exceptional macro image showing the intricate details of the leaf's skeletal remains...! V
George McCarten23-Mar-2019 12:19
Fantastic!! The toll the seasons take!
Colin Storey23-Mar-2019 09:26
Great sharp close up.
laine23-Mar-2019 09:22
That was a very hungry bug !! An excellent close up. V
C. van Gijs23-Mar-2019 08:33
Prachtig mozaiek.
Gill Kopy23-Mar-2019 01:22
Looks a bit like a street map :) Super macro V
Dan Greenberg23-Mar-2019 00:24
Amazingly artistic portray of this leaf's skeleton. ~BV~
Neil Marcus22-Mar-2019 23:57
A very interesting detailed detail. "VV"
globalgadabout22-Mar-2019 23:24
compelling....a real feast for the eyes..
PauloCGama22-Mar-2019 21:21
Very interesting details. Well seen and done. V
Walter Otto Koenig22-Mar-2019 20:17
Fascinating image with this fine detail. Perfect background for this. "V"
Hank Vander Velde22-Mar-2019 19:53
BEAUTIFUL Ton. Looks like a topographic map.
Nick Paoni22-Mar-2019 19:44
An outstanding find and capture. Love the clarity you achieved with the Z6.
joseantonio22-Mar-2019 19:43
very nice closeup details.V.
Helen Betts22-Mar-2019 19:40
Wow, that detail is phenomenal! V.
Martin Lamoon22-Mar-2019 19:19
An interesting picture.
Jim Coffman22-Mar-2019 19:12
A finely detailed capture, Ton!
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