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Ton T. | all galleries >> Galleries >> Decay > Fallen petals
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Fallen petals

Fallen Tulip petals
Gorinchem - Holland

Nikon Z 6
1/20s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh24-Mar-2019 07:21
Marvellous capture Ton! V
George McCarten23-Mar-2019 12:21
You have isolated the subject exquisitely. Love all the different bends, turns and textures.
Dan Greenberg23-Mar-2019 00:25
A wonderful and unique vision of this aging flower. ~BV~
Graeme17-Mar-2019 11:18
Beautifully captured.V
Julie Oldfield17-Mar-2019 02:55
Excellent! Very pretty. V
globalgadabout17-Mar-2019 02:45
as the flowers age they seem to get even richer in appearance...admire your sensibility and skills here...V
Martin Lamoon16-Mar-2019 20:20
They are so colourful and delicate, great capture.
Nirvan Hope16-Mar-2019 18:42
Like a floating cloud of petals, even as they age, still beautiful.
Walter Otto Koenig16-Mar-2019 18:21
Beautiful work! Great details, colors and clarity. Perfect focus and depth of field. "V"
Ika Zinka Eferl16-Mar-2019 18:10
Beautiful, wow! V
Fong Lam16-Mar-2019 16:49
Beautiful image creatively composed with lovely colors and details....V
Blandine Mangin16-Mar-2019 16:22
une composition toute en délicatesse ! v
Helen Betts16-Mar-2019 15:44
Spectacular capture of these petals past their prime. V.
Jeff Real16-Mar-2019 14:01
This is a very nice piece of art!
danad16-Mar-2019 11:44
A delicate composition...V.
Hennie & Lies Lammers16-Mar-2019 10:09
Leuk idee om de bloem zo vast te leggen Ton, mooie opname!
Yvonne16-Mar-2019 10:00
They are still very beautiful.. v
Gill Kopy16-Mar-2019 03:46
Such lovely colours against that soft blue ! V
Dennis Hoyne15-Mar-2019 23:40
A lovely image, so nicely composed!
Tom Munson15-Mar-2019 21:22
Cool shot!
Hank Vander Velde15-Mar-2019 21:00
A beautiful staged and well composed image Ton.
joseantonio15-Mar-2019 19:33
beautiful and lovely image.V.
Nick Paoni15-Mar-2019 19:29
Terrific colors and details and I like the blue background.
Don Mottershead15-Mar-2019 19:27
Beautiful creation. V
larose forest photos15-Mar-2019 19:08
Even in decay, the petals are beautiful as depicted by you. V
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