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David Buzzeo | all galleries >> First Nations >> Totem Poles > Almost a Smile
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Almost a Smile

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bill friedlander07-Apr-2020 16:19
The textures and faded colors draw in the viewer. V
joseantonio07-Apr-2020 03:47
excellent closeup detail.
Bill Miller07-Apr-2020 02:50
A complex expression on his face
globalgadabout07-Apr-2020 01:31
the mouth nearly smiling perhaps, but not those eyes...tight framing offers a strong sense of immediacy..
Neil Marcus07-Apr-2020 01:29
And you thought he wood'n smile. Impressive closeup, Buz. "V"
Walter Otto Koenig06-Apr-2020 22:51
Nice with this tight framing and clarity. An interesting and beautiful carving. "V"
Helen Betts06-Apr-2020 22:07
What excellent texture in this great closeup! Almost, but not quite. V.
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