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Bruce Ward | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Best Portraits ... so far > The Man
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© 2006 Bruce Ward

The Man

Gettin' ready for the Stones.

Canon EOS 20D
1/250s f/8.0 at 65.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Martin Schiff10-Jul-2010 06:46
Marianne Venegoni04-Oct-2008 18:26
This is great!
Trevor Rudderham03-Oct-2008 22:39
Very cool!
Guest 09-Sep-2008 18:46
The Macho type!
Guest 09-Sep-2008 17:52
A celebrity indeed. Congrats, Bruce - nicely done.
Guest 21-Nov-2006 20:56
Hehehe, that's a cool shot!
dawn25-Oct-2006 20:47
he has a very doleful look about him.... good shot (chuckling....)
Dr. Tom LoPresti24-Oct-2006 14:09
Bad to the Bone... :-)