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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Galleries of Life: Multiple Galleries >> Month by Month Holidays! Multiple Galleries >> September: Summer into Fall > Bailey and the Sunflowers 9-08-24
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08-Sep-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Bailey and the Sunflowers 9-08-24

A Tradition Since 2014

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Tom LeRoy12-Nov-2024 20:53
A very sweet and beautiful image! Love it. v
larose forest photos12-Nov-2024 01:58
Just gorgeous, Liz!! Bailey is so beautiful, those big eyes just make one melt. V
Hank Vander Velde11-Nov-2024 15:07
Lovely well composed image Liz.
Nick Paoni10-Nov-2024 20:27
The flowers really give me a sense of scale for this sweetie. Love those big eyes.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal10-Nov-2024 07:47
Great sweet capture of Bailey and the flowers. V
Bryan Murahashi10-Nov-2024 03:50
A beautiful portrait.
Tom Munson09-Nov-2024 20:32
Sweet capture.
Helen Betts09-Nov-2024 16:29
Lovely shot!
joseantonio09-Nov-2024 12:00
lovely composition.V.