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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Nature: Multiple Galleries >> Weather >> Weather 2023-2032 > Tornado Weather 10-30-24
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30-Oct-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Tornado Weather 10-30-24

The entire Kansas City region was under the threat of severe weather this afternoon into Thursday morning.
A Tornado Watch was issued. Luckily, there was only one warning north of us, with no significant damage.

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Helen Betts31-Oct-2024 12:11
Wow, that really does look threatening!
larose forest photos31-Oct-2024 12:11
Whata threatening sky... well captured. Glad the tornadoes did not appear. V
joseantonio31-Oct-2024 08:37
what a dramatic sky. We have had heavy rains in Spain during this week. A tragic outcome in Valencia region with more than 95 deaths and still a high number of missing people. There were more than 500 litres per square metre in less than 24 hours. Horrible indeed.