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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> M >> My Neighborhood > The Corner of Our Courtyard 10-21-24
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21-Oct-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

The Corner of Our Courtyard 10-21-24

Non-Native landscaping trees in our area usually have more colorful Fall foliage than native trees. Unlike, these are all landscaped planted trees.

We've now had straight 30 days (a record) without rain and an unusually warm Fall.
That undoubtedly has impacted peak colors.

samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
1/1580s f/2.2 at 2.2mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Wintermeer30-Oct-2024 09:09
Fabulous fall mood! ~V~
Dave Petersen Photography25-Oct-2024 12:12
Beautiful fall colors in this vibrant capture. Nicely composed with excellent clarity. V+
Bryan Murahashi24-Oct-2024 03:04
Fabulous Autumn colors.
Hank Vander Velde24-Oct-2024 00:32
Beautiful Autumn colors well captured Liz.
Don Mottershead23-Oct-2024 22:35
Beautiful fall photo.
Mairéad23-Oct-2024 21:05
The colours are gorgeous!
Allan Jay23-Oct-2024 19:27
Gorgeous fall scene!
Ursula Miller23-Oct-2024 19:09
Fantastic autumn colors! V
larose forest photos23-Oct-2024 19:05
Dazzling display of colour. We've also had unusually warm weather and little rain. V
joseantonio23-Oct-2024 18:29
lovely autumn colors.V.
Carl Carbone23-Oct-2024 18:01
Beautiful fall scene.