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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> G >> Green > The Bold Look of Kohler 10-16-24
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16-Oct-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

The Bold Look of Kohler 10-16-24

Green is the big "in" color for 2024/25.
And Kohler is on the band wagon.

Part of the Heritage Collection:

We've selected to use one of the above 3 green toned colors for our two new kitchen sinks.
They're dramatically different from each other.
Can you guess which one we selected?

samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
1/120s f/1.7 at 6.3mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Alexander Kazakov25-Oct-2024 12:40
Superb! V
Bryan Murahashi23-Oct-2024 04:09
Great display and capture.
Danad22-Oct-2024 15:24
Its makes a great image !
Tom Munson22-Oct-2024 04:28
Terrific image, Liz. The green is not for me.
Helen Betts22-Oct-2024 03:31
Not sure as I’d go for the green, but I like the two other colors.
joseantonio22-Oct-2024 03:25
lovely display.V.