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18-Oct-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Election Day is Close 10-18-24

Early Voting is underway.

Most (not all) of our immediate development is Red. That is in tune with the State.

But I think one could say the general area is Purple because there are a lot of signs like these that can be seen where I do my regular health walks around the neighborhood. Harris vs Trump signs are next-door-to and directly-across the street from each other.

samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
1/2790s f/2.4 at 7.9mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Don Mottershead23-Oct-2024 22:38
I am baffled that the unkind candidate has the level of support that he has. Truly baffled.
hans hendriks23-Oct-2024 08:54
I just hope they have a big party in this house after the election. v.
Carl Carbone21-Oct-2024 22:31
Agreed. Vote!
Mairéad21-Oct-2024 20:49
There's so much at stake in this election, not just for America but the world.
Nick Paoni21-Oct-2024 19:28
We live in a mixed red/blue neighborhood as well and everyone gets along great. There is more that unites us than divides us on the neighborhood scale.
Helen Betts21-Oct-2024 11:45
Good to see some blue signs in your neighborhood!
Danad21-Oct-2024 09:52
We can only agree with what you have wrote. We have not yet found anything better than democracy, even if it is not perfect. The important thing is to vote!
Wintermeer21-Oct-2024 08:02
Love the light! ~V~
joseantonio21-Oct-2024 04:00
nice and colorful decoration.V
Bryan Murahashi21-Oct-2024 03:50
Yes, Can't wait for it to be over. Nice capture.