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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> L >> Life's Moments: Multiple Galleries >> "Photo of the Day" Archives: Twenty Years: Multiple Galleries >> Photo of the Day Archive 2024 >> February 2024 > "Daphene" 2-21-24
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21-Feb-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

"Daphene" 2-21-24

Statuesque beauty Amaryllis 'Daphne' was bred for the cut flower market, and it produces 2 huge, slightly nodding flowers per stem in richly mottled patterns of cranberry red and white. The sturdy green stems provide excellent support."


This is the first year that I've grown "Daphene". The blooms are absolutely HUGE!!! These are the largest Amaryllis flowers that I've ever seen. They are quite unique and stunners. Although I didn't cut these for an arrangement, general experience has told me that cut Amaryllis blooms will last just as long as if they were left growing on the plant, or for at least a week or more.

Canon EOS R6 ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/160s f/11.0 at 105.0mm iso12800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
larose forest photos04-May-2024 00:02
Wow, this colour is outstanding, and in your superb photo, looks like red velvet. V
Dan Opdal03-May-2024 21:01
This is beautiful, Liz! Thank you for sharing. V