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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro) | all galleries >> Galleries >> "Protein" © > Lalla
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May-2019 © Paolo Peggi


Nikon D3S ,Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.4G
1/125s f/1.8 at 50.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh22-Jun-2019 15:36
My very favourite Paolo, great image! V
Graeme20-Jun-2019 11:50
A superb shot and pose, Paolo.V!!
Dan Greenberg19-Jun-2019 23:39
Superb! I cannot get enough of these great images of her. ~BV~
Fabienne06-Jun-2019 20:43
Lalla est encore plus belle vue à travers votre objectif. C'est une magnifique photo.
Frank Gines05-Jun-2019 11:57
Excellent work my friend!Great lightning .V
Pierre Martin05-Jun-2019 09:55
splendid picture, great work!
victorswan05-Jun-2019 09:12
Superb in all ways, Paolo BV ++
Milan Vogrin05-Jun-2019 06:02
Superb portrait. V
Torarinn Olafsson (Toti)05-Jun-2019 05:55
Hey !!
Lalla is great..
V for you and her.
Jim Coffman04-Jun-2019 23:58
Superb work, my friend!!
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