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Bob Snyder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bird Photography from Centre County PA Updated for 2016 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bird Photography from Centre County PA Updated for 2016

Some bird photography from 2012 and 2013 (and few older images not shown before) in Centre County, PA.
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Magnolia Warber 2012 at Scotia pond
Magnolia Warber 2012 at Scotia pond
Magnolia Warbler II
Magnolia Warbler II
Common Yellowthroat in shrub
Common Yellowthroat in shrub
Common Yellowthroat II
Common Yellowthroat II
Common Yellowthroat, first year bird
Common Yellowthroat, first year bird
Eastern Towhee
Eastern Towhee
Eastern Towhee II
Eastern Towhee II
Eastern Towhee III
Eastern Towhee III
Golden-winged Warbler 50ft high, in canopy (photographed from the ground, at BESP
Golden-winged Warbler 50ft high, in canopy (photographed from the ground, at BESP
Golden-winged Warbler; BESP; a little closer: shot from 30ft below the bird
Golden-winged Warbler; BESP; a little closer: shot from 30ft below the bird
Golden-winged Warbler: just a little closer to the photographer
Golden-winged Warbler: just a little closer to the photographer
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
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