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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> Oceania >> New Zealand >> South Island of New Zealand >> Christchurch >> Canterbury Museum, Christchurch NZ tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Canterbury Museum, Christchurch NZ

Canterbury Museum
Canterbury Museum
Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, founded 1870
Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, founded 1870
William Rolleston, Superindent of Canterbury 1868-1876
William Rolleston, Superindent of Canterbury 1868-1876
Early Maoris, Canterbury Museum
Early Maoris, Canterbury Museum
Early Maoris
Early Maoris
Early Maoris
Early Maoris
Moa hunters
Moa hunters
Early Maori moa hunters lead to the large flightless birds extinction
Early Maori moa hunters lead to the large flightless birds extinction
Antarctic Gallery, Canterbury Museum
Antarctic Gallery, Canterbury Museum
Emperor Penguins
Emperor Penguins
Emperor Penguins
Emperor Penguins
Emperor Penguins, Antarctic Gallery
Emperor Penguins, Antarctic Gallery
Emperor Penguins, Canterbury Museum
Emperor Penguins, Canterbury Museum
British Trans-Antarctic Expedition tracked vehicle
British Trans-Antarctic Expedition tracked vehicle
British Trans-Antarctic Expedition tracked vehicle
British Trans-Antarctic Expedition tracked vehicle
Tucker Sno-cat, British Trans-Antarctic Expedition
Tucker Sno-cat, British Trans-Antarctic Expedition
Preamble of the Antarctic Treaty
Preamble of the Antarctic Treaty
Antarctic Gallery, Canterbury Museum
Antarctic Gallery, Canterbury Museum
Penguins, Antarctic Gallery
Penguins, Antarctic Gallery
Antarctic Gallery
Antarctic Gallery
Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1910-1912
Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1910-1912
Capt Robert Falcon Scott 1868-1912
Capt Robert Falcon Scott 1868-1912
Mummy in the small Egyptian Gallery of the Canterbury Museum
Mummy in the small Egyptian Gallery of the Canterbury Museum
Cast of Osiris, Egyptian Gallery
Cast of Osiris, Egyptian Gallery
Australia and New Zealand on a huge globe in the Natural History Gallery, Canterbury Museum
Australia and New Zealand on a huge globe in the Natural History Gallery, Canterbury Museum
New Zealand
New Zealand
Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa and the Red Sea
Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa and the Red Sea
The Americas
The Americas
Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia
Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia
Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia
Arabian Peninsula
Arabian Peninsula
East Africa
East Africa
Southern Africa
Southern Africa
Tyrannosaurus, Natural History Gallery, Canterbury Museum
Tyrannosaurus, Natural History Gallery, Canterbury Museum
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Moa skeletons
Moa skeletons
South Island Aptornis (Aptornis defossor)
South Island Aptornis (Aptornis defossor)
Maori painted in 1769 by Sidney Parkinson, Canterbury Museum
Maori painted in 1769 by Sidney Parkinson, Canterbury Museum
Karewa (fishing float) Maori Gallery
Karewa (fishing float) Maori Gallery
Carved human figures, Maori Gallery
Carved human figures, Maori Gallery
Primitive early Maori shelter, Canterbury Museum
Primitive early Maori shelter, Canterbury Museum
Maori Gallery - Panau, a post-moa hunting period settlement
Maori Gallery - Panau, a post-moa hunting period settlement
Maori Gallery
Maori Gallery
Poupou (panels) from a whare koiwi (tomb) at Maketu, Bay of Plenty. Te Arawa tribe
Poupou (panels) from a whare koiwi (tomb) at Maketu, Bay of Plenty. Te Arawa tribe
Poupou (panel) from a large meeting house, Te Arawa tribe, Rotorua
Poupou (panel) from a large meeting house, Te Arawa tribe, Rotorua
Italian map of New Zealand from the observations of Captain Cook, 1797
Italian map of New Zealand from the observations of Captain Cook, 1797
Voyage towards the South Pole and Round the World, by Capt. James Cook, commander of the Resolution
Voyage towards the South Pole and Round the World, by Capt. James Cook, commander of the Resolution
Southern Royal Albatross
Southern Royal Albatross
White Heron (Kotuku)
White Heron (Kotuku)
White Heron (Kotuku)
White Heron (Kotuku)
Great Spotted Kiwi
Great Spotted Kiwi
Spotted Shags on Banks Peninsula
Spotted Shags on Banks Peninsula
Spotted Shags on Banks Peninsula
Spotted Shags on Banks Peninsula
Penguins of the Southern Oceans
Penguins of the Southern Oceans
Penguins of the Southern Oceans
Penguins of the Southern Oceans
Eastern Rosella
Eastern Rosella
Australasian Harrier (Kahu)
Australasian Harrier (Kahu)
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Little Owl
Australian Barn Owl
Australian Barn Owl
Confucius, Asian Gallery, Canterbury Museum
Confucius, Asian Gallery, Canterbury Museum
Confucius, Asian Gallery, Canterbury Museum
Confucius, Asian Gallery, Canterbury Museum
Ming Dynasty ceramic wares 1368-1644
Ming Dynasty ceramic wares 1368-1644
Asian Gallery
Asian Gallery
Asian Gallery
Asian Gallery
Asian Gallery
Asian Gallery
Asian Gallery
Asian Gallery
Asian Gallery
Asian Gallery
Samurai, Asian Gallery
Samurai, Asian Gallery
Samurai, Asian Gallery
Samurai, Asian Gallery
Feral wildlife
Feral wildlife
Decorative Arts Gallery
Decorative Arts Gallery
Cast iron stove in the shape of a suit of armor, 1851
Cast iron stove in the shape of a suit of armor, 1851
Uniform, Canterbury Museum
Uniform, Canterbury Museum
Uniform, Canterbury Museum
Uniform, Canterbury Museum
Nautical Gallery
Nautical Gallery
19th Century Main Street, Canterbury Museum
19th Century Main Street, Canterbury Museum
Glass mosaic of St. Matthew, Venitian, Canterbury Museum
Glass mosaic of St. Matthew, Venitian, Canterbury Museum