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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> animaux/animals >> Héron > Heron bihoreau
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Heron bihoreau

OM System OM-1
1/2500s f/6.3 at 400.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Pierre30-Nov-2024 12:26
Une magnifique photo de ce bihoreau dans cette jolie pose! V
Danad29-Nov-2024 15:15
Une très belle prise !
Boris Alexander Keller29-Nov-2024 12:01
Great shooting of the Heron! Excellent focus and blurred background! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal29-Nov-2024 06:50
Great shot of this night heron, love the perch. V
Walter Otto Koenig28-Nov-2024 22:15
Very nice sharp shot of this Heron with this pose. "V"
Helen Betts28-Nov-2024 21:22
Love the great pose in this sharp shot. V.
Claude Rochette28-Nov-2024 21:18
Une belle composition et un beau décor.
globalgadabout28-Nov-2024 21:05
a crisp seems to be practicing a dance step..
Tom Munson28-Nov-2024 20:23
Great capture, sharp with this wonderful perch.