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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Calopteryx >
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OM System OM-1
1/4000s f/6.3 at 300.0mm iso5000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Anna & Christian RECK08-Nov-2024 19:27
Ce leste vert est vraiment superbe, Blandine!!! Un grand vote et toutes mes félicitations!!! Anna
Wintermeer04-Nov-2024 10:09
Excellent work- so detailed and well lit! ~V~
Jeremy03-Nov-2024 05:03
Superb close-up shot of the dragonfly, excellent sharpenss and level of details. V
marie-jose wolff02-Nov-2024 13:21
les détails sont superbes! V
Boris Alexander Keller02-Nov-2024 12:26
Trés elegant! V
Dan Opdal02-Nov-2024 02:21
Wow, beautiful sharp close-up! V
janescottcumming01-Nov-2024 21:56
Very cool the way the background is split. V
bill friedlander01-Nov-2024 18:14
A fabulous image. V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal01-Nov-2024 06:38
Tack sharp and a beautiful background. V
globalgadabout31-Oct-2024 23:26
that is startling clarity for 300mm -
Helen Betts31-Oct-2024 20:54
Terrific detail in this great closeup. V.
Tom Munson31-Oct-2024 20:31
Nice capture of this beautiful Damselfly.