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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Calopteryx >
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OM System OM-1
1/250s f/3.5 at 90.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Dan Opdal29-Oct-2024 19:55
Beautiful close-up, Blandine! V
Boris Alexander Keller29-Oct-2024 15:59
A beautiful nocturne scene! Well spotted! V
Tom Munson29-Oct-2024 15:56
Terrific capture.
bill friedlander29-Oct-2024 14:09
Great how you caught it in the spotlight. V
Wintermeer29-Oct-2024 14:01
Incredible work- well done! ~V~
marie-jose wolff29-Oct-2024 12:26
superbe silhouette à contre-jour! V
Danad29-Oct-2024 10:49
Superbe avec ce bokeh couleur d'encre ou de fleur.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal29-Oct-2024 07:14
Beautiful with this background. V
Walter Otto Koenig29-Oct-2024 00:24
Great impact with this fine photograph. Wonderful work! "V"
janescottcumming28-Oct-2024 23:44
This has to be one of my favorites! Very cool. V
globalgadabout28-Oct-2024 22:16
the best of the series so looks like such a haunting figure..
Helen Betts28-Oct-2024 20:06
The silhouette makes for a great shot against the lit backdrop. V.