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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Calopteryx >
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OM System OM-1
1/400s f/3.5 at 60.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Wintermeer27-Oct-2024 15:43
Great find! ~V~
Tom Munson23-Oct-2024 15:16
Terrific capture of this beautiful Damselfly
bill friedlander23-Oct-2024 14:29
Nice how the leaves and the butterfly are lined up. V
Danad22-Oct-2024 15:33
Une très fine composition !
Jeff Real22-Oct-2024 11:47
Noone makes a natural marco more beautifully than you!
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal22-Oct-2024 06:28
Beautiful sharp details, great shot. V
Walter Otto Koenig22-Oct-2024 01:25
Great sharp shot. Very nice detail and depth of field. "V"
Helen Betts21-Oct-2024 19:48
Such fine detail, and beautiful iridescent color as well. V.
joseantonio21-Oct-2024 19:19
excellent light and colors.V