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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Libellules / Dragonfly >
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OM System OM-1
1/3200s f/3.5 at 90.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jeremy29-Aug-2024 01:23
Intimated moment well captured by you ... V
bill friedlander28-Aug-2024 14:54
The wings look so delicate. V
Danad28-Aug-2024 14:04
Superbe scène, bien captée !
Anna & Christian RECK28-Aug-2024 10:20
Revêtues de leurs plus beaux atours, ces deux libellules s'unissent pour la vie! C'est ravissant, Blandine!!! BV. Anna
Boris Alexander Keller28-Aug-2024 04:54
Like a ballet! V
Azlin Ahmad27-Aug-2024 23:34
The wings look so fragile. A wonderful shot. V
globalgadabout27-Aug-2024 23:19
excellent clarity here...looks like they are enjoying a wild time..
Walter Otto Koenig27-Aug-2024 22:52
What an amazing shot. Great find. "V"
Carl Carbone27-Aug-2024 18:23
Wonderful find and photo!
Helen Betts27-Aug-2024 18:10
Perfect timing to get this great shot. V.