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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Libellules / Dragonfly >
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Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV
1/320s f/5.0 at 90.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jeremy26-Aug-2024 01:32
Another superb shot of the dragonfly, tack sharp details on the body and wings, and love the colours and blur of the background! V
Pierre25-Aug-2024 11:33
Une très jolie macro de cette libellule! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal25-Aug-2024 06:16
This is beautiful, great shot. V
Jeff Real24-Aug-2024 17:05
I love this so much!
The color adds so much here!
bill friedlander24-Aug-2024 15:33
Gorgeous colors. V
janescottcumming24-Aug-2024 13:22
Love that bokeh! V
Danad24-Aug-2024 08:29
Ces couleurs en fond d'image sont absolument magnifiques.
Bryan Murahashi24-Aug-2024 03:13
Superb colors and photo,
Dan Opdal24-Aug-2024 01:58
Beautiful sharp close-up! V
globalgadabout23-Aug-2024 21:09
the little touch of lavender colour adds to its excellent capture..
Wintermeer23-Aug-2024 21:02
Une prise vraiment exeptionelle! ~V~
Helen Betts23-Aug-2024 20:48
Great shot of the insect, and love that bokeh as well. V.
Tom Munson23-Aug-2024 19:57
Wonderful capture.
Fabienne23-Aug-2024 19:39
Simplement superbe. La qualité de l’image est remarquable.