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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Libellules / Dragonfly >
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Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV
1/1600s f/4.0 at 90.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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bill friedlander26-Aug-2024 16:10
Lovely light and strong diagonals. V
Jeremy26-Aug-2024 01:33
Lovely shot, and nice how the colour of this dragonfly so closely matches the background here. V
Fabienne23-Aug-2024 19:45
Avec cet arrière-plan flouté cela met en valeur la libellule et on a l’impression de pénétrer dans son monde avec cette atmosphère bien rendue.
Azlin Ahmad23-Aug-2024 13:40
The proportions are amazing. V
Tom LeRoy23-Aug-2024 12:08
Love how if blends in the scene so well! Excellent shot. V
Danad23-Aug-2024 09:42
Un incroyable bokeh, comme un rideau tiré sur l'arrière-plan !
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal23-Aug-2024 05:42
Beautiful capture and a lovely background. V
globalgadabout23-Aug-2024 01:08
with its low-key appearance it takes on a stealthy character..
Walter Otto Koenig22-Aug-2024 23:21
Excellent with this precise focus and beautiful background. "V"
pingupingu22-Aug-2024 23:13
Elle se camoufle bien !!!
Jolie prise
Helen Betts22-Aug-2024 20:46
Such a beautiful backdrop for this sharp damselfly. V.