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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Libellules / Dragonfly >
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Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV
1/400s f/5.0 at 90.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Anna & Christian RECK26-Aug-2024 17:24
Toutes mes félicitations et un grand vote pour cette charmante macro, Blandine! Anna
bill friedlander22-Aug-2024 14:49
Superb details and lovely bokeh. V
Boris Alexander Keller22-Aug-2024 14:14
Elegance at its best! V
Pierre22-Aug-2024 12:56
Très jolie prise de vue sur ces délicates fleurs! V
Danad22-Aug-2024 09:30
Une autre superbe macro avec une grande finesse des détails.
Dan Opdal22-Aug-2024 01:44
Wow, beautiful close-up! V
Jeremy22-Aug-2024 00:15
Superb sharp shot of the dragon clinging to the bud. V
globalgadabout21-Aug-2024 23:33
wings fragile as shooting..
Helen Betts21-Aug-2024 21:33
Great composition of this marvelous scene as well as a sharp shot. V.
Tom Munson21-Aug-2024 19:56
Beautiful tack sharp capture.
Raymond21-Aug-2024 19:28
Beautiful shot, you must have taken a thousand shots of it!
Tom LeRoy21-Aug-2024 19:14
Beautiful fine details on the wings. v