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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Libellules / Dragonfly >
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OM System OM-1
1/500s f/3.5 at 90.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jeremy21-Aug-2024 03:11
Love the lighting on the dragonfly in this shot! V
Tom LeRoy20-Aug-2024 16:10
Wonderful light on the delicate wings. v
bill friedlander20-Aug-2024 15:35
Lovely light on this guy. V
pingupingu20-Aug-2024 12:25
Juste comme il faut. V
Boris Alexander Keller20-Aug-2024 10:18
Very filigrane! V
Danad20-Aug-2024 09:42
Juste dans le bon rayon de lumière !
Dan Opdal20-Aug-2024 06:40
Beautiful close-up, Blandine. Very nicely done! V
globalgadabout20-Aug-2024 00:08
the sunlight brings out those diaphanous wings so well..
janescottcumming19-Aug-2024 22:03
In the spotlight! V
Allan Jay19-Aug-2024 20:18
Exquisite framing and details!
Helen Betts19-Aug-2024 19:26
Love the light in those intricate wings. V.
joseantonio19-Aug-2024 18:27
great light and colors.V.