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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Libellules / Dragonfly >
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OM System OM-1
1/320s f/4.5 at 60.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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bill friedlander18-Aug-2024 14:40
The strong diagonal adds to the beauty. V
Pierre18-Aug-2024 14:35
Une jolie demoiselle sur un superbe arrière-plan! V
Danad18-Aug-2024 10:02
Superbe avec ce bokeh qui semble vibrer.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal18-Aug-2024 06:35
Fantastic shot. V
Boris Alexander Keller18-Aug-2024 05:53
Like a piece of a broche, so golden too! V
Jeremy18-Aug-2024 00:32
That's a good shot of the dragonfly. V
Tom Munson17-Aug-2024 20:08
Wonderful capture. Sharp!
globalgadabout17-Aug-2024 19:29
this one seems made of gold..
Helen Betts17-Aug-2024 19:24
Such a fine shot of this beauty. V.
Raymond17-Aug-2024 18:17
Elle sont belles les libellules, une image superbe