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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Libellules / Dragonfly >
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Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV
1/2000s f/3.5 at 90.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Danad14-Aug-2024 15:25
Une très belle composition avec une lumineuse gamme de verts et de très fins détails.
bill friedlander14-Aug-2024 15:17
Excellent details and lovely colors. V
Boris Alexander Keller14-Aug-2024 14:23
Soft light nd colors! Beautiful ! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal14-Aug-2024 10:47
Beautiful capture of this Damselfly. V
Jeremy14-Aug-2024 02:01
A fantastic capture of the dragonfly so well camourflaged by its colour matching the leaves in the background. V
Allan Jay14-Aug-2024 01:28
Tack sharp details!
Walter Otto Koenig14-Aug-2024 01:10
Great close up with this detail and colors. "V"
Jeff Real13-Aug-2024 22:16
You make really magical photography!
Helen Betts13-Aug-2024 20:49
Sharp shot of the damselfly, set against a beautiful soft background. V.
Dan Opdal13-Aug-2024 20:27
Wonderful sharp image with a beautiful background. Stunning! V
Barbara Corvino13-Aug-2024 19:49
Très belle symphonie en vert.
Fabienne13-Aug-2024 19:17
Agrippées à un épis elle est en parfaite symbiose avec son environnement.
C’est une splendide photo.
Tom Munson13-Aug-2024 19:02
Great close-up of this beautiful Damselfly.