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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Libellules / Dragonfly >
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OM System OM-1
1/800s f/2.8 at 60.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jeff Real07-Jul-2024 22:22
All of this amazing color makes your subject look even netter!
Zoltán Balogh24-Jun-2024 14:34
Fantastic implementation! V
Pierre08-Jun-2024 13:36
Tout à fait magnifique! V
bill friedlander06-Jun-2024 14:13
Stunning capture! V
John05-Jun-2024 20:51
An absolute beauty. V
Dan Greenberg05-Jun-2024 17:05
Si beau! J'aime sa netteté et le joli arrière-plan flou. ~GV~
Danad05-Jun-2024 09:54
Magnifique avec ces couleurs et cet arrière-plan très fluide.
Wintermeer05-Jun-2024 07:51
excellent! *V*
Boris Alexander Keller05-Jun-2024 05:48
Artful work! V
globalgadabout05-Jun-2024 01:07
an accomplished image made with impressive skill..
janescottcumming04-Jun-2024 22:21
So Spring-like and lovely. V
Dan Opdal04-Jun-2024 21:34
Wonderful macro shot! Thank you for sharing. V
Tom Munson04-Jun-2024 21:19
Nice shot of this sharp Damselfly.
Apostolos Tikopoulos04-Jun-2024 19:35
Wonderful and creative work. V
Helen Betts04-Jun-2024 18:55
Beautiful bokeh in this great shot. V.
Walter Otto Koenig04-Jun-2024 18:48
Great detail and background with these colors. "V"