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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Magnolias 2016 >
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danad20-Apr-2016 07:36
Superbe, une fois encore. V.
larose forest photos19-Apr-2016 23:49
Dreamily romantic shot. Beautiful! V
janescottcumming19-Apr-2016 23:25
Like from a dream! V
bill friedlander19-Apr-2016 20:58
Another great one in this series. V
Raf19-Apr-2016 18:15
Delicate whites. V
Carol How19-Apr-2016 18:14
the tones are just marvellous and is the dof! V
Buz Kiefer19-Apr-2016 17:15
Sublime. Vote.