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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Magnolias 2016 >
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Shmuel Halevi19-Apr-2016 10:30
Nice image.
Cynthia (Cindy) Sutcliffe19-Apr-2016 09:24
Beautiful capture of a gorgeous spring bloom.
Carol How19-Apr-2016 07:34
Super image! V
bill friedlander18-Apr-2016 17:26
Another beauty in this wonderful series. V
Ika Zinka Eferl18-Apr-2016 14:47
A beauty!V+
Tom LeRoy18-Apr-2016 14:00
It is perfect in high key! V
Nick Paoni18-Apr-2016 13:42
A lovely image.
Marcia Colelli18-Apr-2016 12:40
Gorgeous. Wonderful high key image. V
Graeme18-Apr-2016 11:42
Exquisite! BV
Raymond18-Apr-2016 10:24
Superb shot, first class
danad18-Apr-2016 09:35
Superbe ! V.
Gerard Koehl18-Apr-2016 07:34
Splendide. V
Chris Morton18-Apr-2016 07:13
MarcViskens18-Apr-2016 06:52
Très joli