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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Magnolias 2016 >
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Sarah Rehfeldt17-Apr-2016 03:14
Beautiful soft pastel!
Buz Kiefer15-Apr-2016 18:33
So light and delicate. Beautiful, Blandine. Vote.
danad14-Apr-2016 09:28
Une image tout en douceur. V.
Gerard Koehl14-Apr-2016 05:13
De toute beauté. V
Colin Storey13-Apr-2016 18:54
Love the focus and dof.
Graeme13-Apr-2016 18:42
Wonderful light and colours.BV
Ton T.13-Apr-2016 17:21
Fascinating image! V+
Allan Jay13-Apr-2016 16:56