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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Macrophotographie >> Magnolias 2016 >
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MarcViskens19-Apr-2016 17:46
superbe Blandine
Dan Opdal15-Apr-2016 23:02
My Favorite Today! BV
Buz Kiefer11-Apr-2016 14:05
I think this is my favorite. Vote.
François Fauchard10-Apr-2016 17:26
Image toute en douceur. V
danad10-Apr-2016 15:26
une délicate composition. V.
Nick Paoni10-Apr-2016 14:42
Soft and beautiful. V
Ika Zinka Eferl10-Apr-2016 13:03
Wow, wonderful lighting and colors.V
Graeme10-Apr-2016 10:12
So delicate and beautiful, Blandine. V
Gerard Koehl10-Apr-2016 08:46
Superbe image. V
Chris Morton10-Apr-2016 08:34
Ton T.10-Apr-2016 08:23
Fantastic flowers and superb photography!! V++